Ximena Sanchez-Samper, MD

  • Psychotherapy
  • Psychopharmacology
  • Consulting
  • Speaking Engagements


About Ximena

Ximena Sanchez-Samper, MD, is a Board-Certified Addiction Psychiatrist who obtained her degree as a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and works just outside Boston (Weston, Wellesley, Wayland and Newton).  She completed her Addictions Fellowship through the Harvard Medical School, combined Massachusetts General Hospital, McLean Hospital/Brigham and Women’s Hospital Addictions Fellowship program in 2004.
Since then, she has treated adults of all ages struggling with mental health and substance use disorders, and has also provided care to adolescents and young adults (as well as their families) at both Boston Children’s Hospital and McLean Hospital.  She is double Board-Certified in both Psychiatry and Addictions.  Dr. Sanchez-Samper is a vocal advocate of incorporating medications into the comprehensive care of patients of all ages struggling with Opoid Use Disorders and/or Alcohol Use Disorders.  She co-authored a book chapter in the Handbook of Office-Based Treatment of Opioid Dependence and published an article in Pediatrics in Review addressing the needs of patients struggling with substance use disorders.  She is a true believer that “there are different paths to recovery,” and that care should be individualized in order to identify and support each person’s course of treatment and recovery process.


Dr. Sanchez-Samper is available to assess and treat patients in need of psychotherapy, psychopharmacology (or both) whether you are struggling with primary mental health disorders (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trauma) or substance use disorders.
"There are different paths to recovery."

Contact Dr. Sanchez-Samper

Please let us know what type of help you may need, your email address, and a good time to reach you.

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